Knee Care Tips
Your knees support you. Support them with these tips for proper care.
Tips To Take Care of Your Back
Here are some helpful tips to avoid back pain.
Good Posture Habits
Posture is more than standing up straight. Here are some guidelines to set your straight.
Now Accepting Patients – Amherstburg Location
If you would like to register for primary care, we are now accepting new patients.
Shingles Vaccine (Shingrix) Fact Sheet
What is Shingrix? Shingrix is a new publicly funded vaccine for Shingles that is covered under OHIP for seniors aged 65-70 years old. How is the vaccine given? The vaccine is given intramuscular, in the upper arm, it can be given at the same time as any other vaccine such as the influenza vaccine or…
Choosing a Chiropractor
How can a Chiropractor help? At its most basic points of concern chiropractic care can help reduce pain, restore function and educate patients on measures to avoid future injuries and relapses. How any one practitioner in particular may go about doing this can vary depending upon their individual practice preferences. At the Essex-County Nurse Practitioner…
Ticks and Lyme Disease
Do ticks spread disease? Ticks can spread diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. “Deer Ticks” spread the bacteria that cause Lyme disease (Borrelia Burgdorferi). This is most likely to be transmitted if the tick has been attached to you for more than 24 hours. What is Lyme Disease? Symptoms: Usually occur within 1-2…
Safe Food Handling At Home
We all need to stay safe. We also all need to eat. Many of us are concerned about food and food packaging harboring the coronavirus, and naturally some have turned to the internet for advice on how to protect themselves. The internet is rampant with misinformation on how to keep food safe from the coronavirus….